Appealing a Licence Suspension
If you have received a letter from Roads & Maritime Services indicating that your licence has been suspended…..
The Jury System in NSW
Most adult members of the community will be called for jury duty at some stage in their lives. This involves attending…
Property Ownership in New South Wales
It is very common in New South Wales for people to enter into co-ownership agreements in relation….
Managing Death
Whether it be drafting our clients’ Wills to ensure that their assets pass to who they want them to or making plans…
Transferring Property Following the Breakdown of a Relationship
There are important requirements that need to be complied with to make sure you save thousands of dollars…
Challenging a Power of Attorney or Enduring Guardianship
If a person has been appointed as an attorney or guardian of a principal who subsequently loses their capacity…
The Difference Between Murder & Manslaughter
This article examines the differences between manslaughter and murder under New South Wales law.
Property Ownership in New South Wales
It is very common in New South Wales for people to enter into co-ownership agreements in relation to the ownership of real estate.
Capacity to Make a Will and Other Documents
Estate planning includes the drafting of a Will or Testamentary Trust, and also encompasses the appointment of a Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardian.